
Some personal reflections on men’s mental health

International Men’s Health Week, running from Monday 10th to Sunday 16th June 2024, serves as a crucial reminder of the health issues that disproportionately affect men and the importance of seeking help. One of the most pressing areas is mental health, often overlooked due to societal norms and cultural expectations. Mental health awareness in men […]

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New MOU by MarCNoWA and GGPEN set to improve sustainability

Professor Boateng Onwona-Agyeman, who leads the GMES and Africa Marine and Coastal Areas Management for North and West Africa (MarCNoWA) Project from the University of Ghana, has partnered with Dr Zolana Joao, the head of the Angola National Space Programme Management Office (GGPEN), through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This partnership is dedicated to improving […]

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European Council approves diluted corporate sustainability due diligence directive

After weeks of delays, the European Council has finally approved the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, marking a significant step forward in corporate accountability for environmental and human rights issues within their supply chains. However, the final version of the directive has been notably diluted from its original proposal, much to the frustration of sustainability […]

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How Purple Tower is leading the charge in sustainable building practices in Nairobi

Nairobi’s skyline has been transformed by the groundbreaking initiatives of Purple Tower, which has emerged as a pioneer in sustainable architecture and urban development.  Situated strategically near the Nyayo roundabout along Mombasa Road, Purple Tower, certified as a grade A EDGE (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies) green building by Purple Dot, offers unparalleled accessibility […]

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New design principles are needed to pave way for global sustainability

Climate change and environmental degradation pose significant threats to our planet. A revolutionary shift in design philosophy is therefore needed for the world to become sustainable for present and future generations. Across the globe, innovators and creators are embracing a new design ethos that marries form with function, aesthetics with ethics, and innovation with conservation. […]

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Kimitec and Nutrifarms forge partnership to enhance olive grove sustainability

A recent partnership between Nutrifarms and Kimitec‘s MAAVi Innovation Center promises to revolutionize the sustainability landscape of olive cultivation. Nutrifarms CEO Vasco Cortes Martins and Kimitec CEO Alejandro de las Casas Pérez sealed this collaboration with a handshake, symbolizing a joint commitment to tackling the agronomic challenges that olive groves face.  Speaking while expressing optimism about the partnership, Cortes Martins […]

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Barclays sharpens climate policy, aiming for $1 trillion in sustainable finance

Barclays has made significant alterations to its climate policy, signifying a deeper commitment to sustainability and the shift towards renewable energy. The bank pledges to halt direct financing of new oil and gas projects for energy clients, matching its ambitious initiative to direct $1 trillion towards Sustainable and Transition Finance by 2030, ESG News reports.  This strategic […]

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Inside Amazon’s innovative ways of using AI to further sustainability

In a comprehensive exploration of Amazon’s strategic application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) towards achieving sustainability, the tech giant has unveiled its innovative foray into leveraging technology for environmental stewardship. As reported directly from Amazon‘s website, the company’s multifaceted approach to AI is not just a sign of its technological prowess but also a […]

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A $150 million initiative launched to support solar energy in Africa

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), part of the World Bank Group, has teamed up with Social Investment Managers and Advisors LLC (SIMA) and various financing partners to initiate a $150 million solar green bond. Announced on February 7, 2024, in Washington, D.C., this groundbreaking initiative aims to provide financial support for productive-use solar projects across the continent, with a special focus on benefiting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). 

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Africa’s journey towards a sustainable blue economy

Today, we share with our readers the collective reflections on the outlook, challenges, and sustainability of the Blue Economy as we project a future where Africa can harness its aquatic resources responsibly and innovatively. The Blue Economy sector, traditionally seen as a vast reservoir of untapped resources, is undergoing a transformative process.

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Progress achieved in trade and environmental sustainability talks leading to MC13

Members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) participating in the Trade and Environmental Sustainability Structured Discussions (TESSD) on January 25 have made strides towards refining the group’s set of outcomes, which is slated for release at the 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13) next month. This package of outcomes serves as a reflection of the progress made since the 12th Ministerial Conference (MC12) […]

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Driving sustainability in Africa through climate change, innovation and communication

Climate change is an ever-present global challenge, demanding innovative approaches for adaptation and mitigation. My work across various projects in communication and sustainability has offered me profound insights into this multifaceted issue. Reflecting on this journey, it is clear that the fight against climate change is as much about innovative solutions as it is about […]

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How AI will revolutionalize sustainability efforts in Africa

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in sustainability marks a transformative era in how we approach environmental challenges. The application of AI in sustainability is a multidisciplinary endeavor, intersecting technology, environmental science, and social responsibility. At its core, AI offers unprecedented capabilities in data analysis and pattern recognition, which are crucial for understanding and addressing […]

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Time to rethink sustainability beyond Carbon emissions is now

The conversation around environmental sustainability, historically focused on reducing carbon emissions, is now evolving to encompass a wider array of ecological and social concerns. This shift is particularly poignant in the context of Africa, where organizations like Impact Africa Consulting Ltd have been instrumental in guiding and implementing more comprehensive sustainability strategies.  Traditionally, the reduction of carbon […]

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December Charity in Ruiru continues its remarkable journey

The December Charity, a beacon of hope in the Ruiru community, has consistently transformed the lives of over 100 families and numerous children from at least three children centers including a class of 40 children autism. What began as a small gesture of celebrating birthdays has blossomed into a monumental movement of kindness and generosity, touching lives and uplifting spirits. This has taken place every single December for close to a decade now.

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Bridging communication and new media to policy formulation for Africa’s sustainable future

The advent of new media technologies has revolutionized traditional paradigms of policy formulation, especially in Africa. These platforms serve as conduits for public engagement, data collection, and knowledge management, thus offering a holistic approach to the challenges posed by sustainable development and climate change. As we progress in this digital age, understanding the intersectionality between […]

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Negotiation in a connected world: How you can use strategic communication

In a global landscape where relationships are becoming increasingly interconnected, the art of negotiation has ascended to an unprecedented importance and the role of strategic communication cannot be under spelled. After nearly a decade of navigating the communication terrain, working with governments, the private sector, and INGOs, and having taken a course at the University […]

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Mobile innovation that is transforming smallholder beans industry in Kenya

Mobile Aggregation Centres (MACs) have emerged as a flexible, transparent and cost-efficient solution for Smart Logistics Services (SLS) to source from scattered smallholder beans farmers. These aggregation and service centres address the company’s high aggregation costs and simultaneously improve farmers access to nearby markets and post-harvest services. Before coming up with the innovation, IDH worked […]

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Bridging the energy gap in Africa: Lessons from Sierra Leone’s mini-grids sector

Electricity is termed as a prerequisite for economic development with its enormous contribution to better social infrastructure. To enhance inclusive socio-economic development, adequate electricity is needed all over the world especially in the Africa continent. Unfortunately, the majority of the African population, 60% to be specific, live in rural areas that only have about 5% […]

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Communication newsletter set to launch in Africa

A day after posting on LinkedIn about the oncoming launch of a communication newsletter targeting companies in Africa, hundreds have already subscribed into the mailing list as they anticipate the release of the first issue. This brief, one-of-a-kind monthly newsletter will cover a range of topics, including public relations, social media marketing, internal communication, crisis […]

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