He conducts a communication Training Needs Assessment (TNA) and consequently generates a customized curriculum that befits the needs of your organization. He has taken courses in New Managers Leadership Course at Strathmore University, Training of Trainers on Enterprise and Job Creation by Hand in Hand Eastern Africa, and Business Lab – Trainer of Trainers by UN Habitat and Israel’s MASHAV Agency which he couples up with his skills and experience to share his knowledge. Some of the training he has conducted include:
- Involved in training 20 climate-smart innovators in Africa in the YouthADAPT Challenge (part of the AAAP Youth Adapt Flagship Program) by Global Center for Adaptation (GCA) and Africa Development Bank (AfDB)from November 2021-December 2022.
- Assisted 168 MSMEs in the AgriBiz programme with developing digital and social media marketing strategies and consequently assisted them in setting up web and social media pages that included an online shop for e-sales.
- Building capacity of 40 youth entrepreneurs and promote market access for their products to establish and strengthen viable business and entrepreneurship models in the forestry and agroforestry value chains, to create employment and sustainable livelihoods. This is under the Green Economy Youth Activation Program (GrEYAP) by Green Economy Youth Activation Program (GrEYAP).
- Developing training content on Green Finance Training for SMEs (Kenya) for the Inuka program supported by Kenya Bankers Association (KBA) with the objective of promoting capacity building in impact investing amongst the conventional banking sectors.
- Developing training content and facilitating training to agribusinesses post funding to equip them with skills to effectively utilise and track the impact of the funds accessed. The ultimate objective was to scale these businesses and position them for additional funding. This is under the Investor Readiness and Post Investment Training (Kenya) project under Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC).
- Designing a client focused mentorship programme to support and coordinate over 800 mentees drawn from agribusiness, renewable energy, waste management and water management to enhance business value and promote individual entrepreneur growth through mentorship. This is under the AgriBiz programme funded by the European Union and DANIDA in Kenya and implemented by KCIC.
- Support the business growth of KCIC’s 10 ESF clients with tailored technical support in marketing and sales and investor pitching among other areas.
- Developing a business plan to set up an Impact Facility targeting youth and women targeting 10 countries across Africa with the key objective to promote job creation by offering sustainable business and marketing support to micro, small and medium enterprises.
- Partnering with Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN – an operating arm of UNFCCC Technology Mechanism) to identifying challenges faced by industrial SMEs and proposing solutions to enhance the uptake of climate smart technologies. Executed through stakeholder engagements, bootcamp and matchmaking activities.
- Training of finalists in the Climate Launchpad competition on developing and presenting their pitch decks and offering post-competition support through digital branding and marketing.
- Training of 300 entrepreneurs from 60 wards in Kiambu County on sales and marketing especially in the digital space.